Monday 18 July 2011

Time to grab the survival bag, the worlds going to shit

We all know by now that the world is due to end next year, the planets will align creating a massive gravitational pull, ripping intense solar storms from the very face of the sun that will blast our meek planet with the intensity of millions of nuclear explosions.

If we’re lucky a small percentage of the population will survive, if we’re unlucky the world will flip on its axis, north will become south, west will become east and you’ll need to go to Australia for the best skiing

Do I really believe this? of course not, and I won’t believe it until it actually happens,  that’s the beauty of human nature.  It will happen one day – it’s happened before and has to happen again but it could be tomorrow or thousands of years from now, the universe is a very small place compared to the infinite reach of time

But there's far more pressing concerns, things happening right now that make we want to pick up the survival kit and disconnect from the human race

It just keeps adding up, I’m watching dispatches this evening, they’ve uncovered manipulation in the ownership of football clubs that goes right to the top – and that’s just a side show, key public figures are quitting or being arrested for phone hacking, the government want a DNA database of everyone, we’re invading other countries, jobs are down, burglaries are up, taxes are up and trust in politicians is at an all time low.

I know that was a long sentence but I couldn’t find a place for a full stop, in fact I couldn’t stop and that’s the problem – the world today is suffocating, everything you eat gives you cancer, even fruit causes tooth decay, and you can’t live your life without being controlled and constantly told how to do it

So yes, I want to grab the survival bag (contents – tinned food, matches, sleeping bag, water, first aid kit, wined up radio, LED light) and I want to disappear into the great unknown, not because I’m worried the world might end, but because I’m worried it’s already started

- bod

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