Saturday 13 August 2011

Pale moon rising

At roughly the same time every month (about now) my mum calls me and the conversation goes something like

Me – hi Mum

Mum – hi, just thought I’d call... see how you are

Me - I’m ok, all good, why?

Mum - well... it’s a full moon, you always go a bit err...funny when it’s a full moon

It sounds like an odd thing to say to your oldest child, but she really believes it’s true, not that I turn into some kind of crazed, human eating werewolf, just that my mood swings around now.

And why shouldn't it, the gravitational pull of the moon controls the tides of the ocean, the flow of warm currents around the planet, and it’s position acts as a stabiliser to keep the earth on the same tilted axis, why shouldn't it affect one incy wincy human being?

A  woman’s period is sometimes called her “moon flow” because for some woman it settles into a natural harmony with the full moon, I want to stress that I’m not an expert in this particular subject, just something I read

So, does the moon affect our moods?  I think it does, in the last few days I’ve been angry, uptight and ready to argue with anyone, it’s now 4:19am and I can’t sleep, my senses are heightened, and I can tell it’s full moon time without looking up or getting the phone call

Call me crazy if you want, but look at what's happening around you, at yourself, how do you feel right now?

- bod

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